Go GREEN. Read from


Scrying Stones

Scrying Stones


A Cyberspace Book

By Tony Perez

First published in 1996

Edited by Cecille Legazpi

New, Revised Version 2015

Courtesy of Anvil Publishing Inc.

Posted in cyberspace September 2015

Classification: For General Reading Public

Category: Philippine Magic

IPR of Tony Perez

Important Notes:

This is the only legitimate, electronic version of this cyberspace book.

This cyberspace book does not exist in any other format.

This cyberspace book may not be reproduced or adapted in part or in whole without the written or electronic permission of the author.

All rights reserved


Monday, August 24, 2015

On August 12, 2015 I at last received electronic notice from Anvil Publishing Inc. that, after 19 years and seven reprints, my book Mga Panibagong Kulam (1996) is now out of print and out of stock. I'd been waiting for that notice. In 2013 I began posting all of my old and new books in cyberspace so that they could be available to wider audiences, and now it is time for me to do that with this book. Of course, with major changes.

The first edition of this book contained 83 spells. I added 16 to bring them up to 99. I believe that 100 is too much a number of completion, and that my original spells will never be complete as long as I am living.

I also re-phrased the spells so that the ingredients would be more generic and easier to find.

For the first 19 years, these spells taught readers that wishes can be translated to symbolic actions as an initial step to attaining reality, and prevented many from slumping into depression by preoccupying them with suggested, cathartic activities. At the very least they were also considered visual and verbal poems, and were given as gifts to friends. They are now here in cyberspace not only for 19 more years, but, until I revise them again, for a longer time to come.

This is 99 Panibagong Kulam, the new, revised version of Mga Panibagong Kulam.

--Tony Perez
Cubao, Quezon City
August 25, 2015